The Benefits Of Being Generous

August 4, 2012 at 11:00 am


When it comes to finances, sometimes being generous can fatten your wallet. Let’s face it, some of us can be quite stingy when it comes to our money, and the thought of giving it away can really put a damper on our mood. Although, it may seem scary at first being generous can actually benefit you. One of the best things about giving is how good you will feel about yourself. Start small, and give some change to a homeless person, you will be overwhelmed with warm feelings knowing you did something noble. Another way to feel good about giving is to give to charities. Not just any charity, but one that is personally a reflection of you. You will see that giving the money away is not a waste, and you’re actually contributing to a good cause (I recommend the Canadian Federation of Sexual Health). The spiritual aspects of giving is something that cannot be ignored, once you give to someone, your sending good karma your way, and ultimately something amazing could come your way, as a result of your charity. The next thing you have to ask yourself is how much money can I give? No one is asking you to go bankrupt with your charity contributions; you have to balance your expenses as well as your charitable donation in the same token.